Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why people might not "get" Dollhouse at first

In Dollhouse, Joss Whedon attempts to balance his cerebral takes on investigating what human personality laid up against a classic backdrop.

A lot of the critics of the Dollhouse premiere, and of the three episodes available to the press, don't understand something, and here is what that something is.

Anyone can write a show about vampires.  Anyone can write a show about people that are hired for missions (aka Charlie's Angels)..they are missing the point.

My AP English Teacher Mrs Brown once told me, there are no such things as new ideas, only old ideas combined in new ways. Like paints on a canvas, they can be mixed in different, new and challenging ways but the paints are still the same colors.

My point is this, anyone can write a vampire show, anyone can write a sci-fi show, but what Joss does, how he writes, how he weaves an intricate universe that asks the important questions philosophically about who people are and what motivates us and what is the meaning of life, that's the deep stuff that keeps people coming back.

Even Dr. Horrible used a ton of musical conventions, with a complete understanding of what they are, before breaking them.

I learned while studying music (and engineering, for that matter) that the best way to know how to break the rules is to know what the rules are and then DELIBERATELY break them. 

This first episode of Dollhouse was an establishing shot. It was what the network wanted, and now the critics are calling it conventional. I have a feeling they are just being idiots, because Joss always establishes conventions before he breaks them in new and unexpected ways.

Now that Joss has created the frame for his crayon drawing in black and white, I look forward to where he puts the colors -- both inside and outside the lines.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's all about the people - Valentine's wishes

I have a confession.  For me, Whedonverse and The Guild are only about 30-50% about the shows themselves, and the same goes for Dr Who.  In reality, it's all about the people. I'm serious, it's about the people. People are my books, which is why my is so short. I love to get to know people, and to understand them.  Ironically, I am trying hard not to do what Joss Whedon says in the Commentary musical, and "pick pick pick them apart" -- because -- as he aptly points out, if you spend too much time analyzing, you miss the story!

So since so many of my Internet friends have been kind enough to give me shout outs I am going to return the favor and just rant a bit about the awesome people I've gotten to know as a result of my fandom.

@geekyfanboy - Kenny is the behind the scenes guy for The Guild and has a job at Discovery Channel as a producer.  He works probably 80 hours a week making "output", which means generating audio and video production materials for television and the net.  The Guild is his first foray into this crazy world of the Net.  We share Star Trek and Dr Who fandom -- it's hillarious that he's friends with Shawn Lyon, who runs Outpost Gallifrey, and the Doctor Who forum.  Kenny is a sensitive and interesting guy who is really passionate about television and about his fandoms.  He runs the largest Star Trek podcast on the net, the Ready Room, and is starting up a new podcast for The Guild.  

@egspoony - Edgar Garcia.  THE Edgar.  Young, motivated web designer and IT guy, always good at making friends and keeping spirits high. 

@jennipowell  - LonelyGirl15 refugee, PA on the Guild, and independent filmmaker.  Jenni takes all the big risks and is willing to do what she has to do to get by in the crazy world that is Los Angeles.  She has a winner's attitude and gives me an insight into the whole "what might have been" if I had moved to LA when I was younger and went for it. She also is hot and has red hair.

@crixlee - gamer girl, and bringer of good times.  If I had a DJ'd party, Crix would be the DJ.  If I had to have a girl over he bring the fun out, she'd be near the top of the list. End of story. She is also hot.

@worldofhiglet - an online wordsmith who is an excellent communicator and good with people, also very passionate about science fiction. Her communication skills are top notch and she is really good at keeping up her blog and writing contributions to many fan sites.  Eventually she will rule the world.

@feliciaday - There's more webpages about Felicia Day online than any human being could take the time to read.  Personally though, Felicia has been a bit of a muse, helping me to get through my personal creative barriers and not be afraid to create again.  Interviewing her was one of my highlights of 2008 -- not just because I was meeting her -- but because I was having the balls to run a panel at a con and interview a Hollywood professional who I admired.  Her connection to her fans is personal, sincere, and real, and so is she.  She's a talented writer, she's also hot and has red hair. 

@maxsummers - Everyone's favorite, witty, sensitive, fun Brazillian. I eat a kit kat in your honor.

Soma, Matthew, Dena, Nathan Tomato, Jeff Carlisle, and so many other Guildies keep spirits high during long shifts and days of watching Joss.  

My wife Jamie for putting up with all my weirdness and working hard at home and to make our personal life better.

Real life friends and coworkers for always showing me possibilities of how to make my life better.

And of course, my family and extended family for always being there for me and teaching me how to care deeply and sincerely.

Happy Valentine's everybody.
