Parts 1 and 2 of Empty Throne: Apotheosis, the medieval murder mystery web series I am composing music for, are online at It's been great fun to be a part of Jason Bigart and Jay Erickson's medieval fantasy.
On Part 2: The Witness
My favorite piece I've written so far comes near the beginning of part 2. In that scene, the two Inquisitors go through a magical montage where they review all the clues they've accumulated so far. Jason asked for music similar to that you'd find in those type of montages on CSI. However, I had already created a medieval sound what to do? Well, I took a few hours to soak up CSI music on You Tube and similar artists on Pandora, and then came up with my own melody and background drums with harpsichord and medieval percussion. I think it ends up working really well.
It was also challenging to write music for the fight scene at the end where the killer confronts the male Inquisitor, portrayed by Travis Hanson, and also tries to kill a child, Nara, portrayed by Jason's daughter, Miranda! After realizing the scene would be very effects-laden, I kept the instrumentation simple, fast paced, and worked to match the freakishness on screen.
Finally, knowing that Nara is going to become a key part of Apotheosis's storyline, I wrote her her own theme, which debuts at the end of episode 2 as a solo viola. It will be orchestrated more fully in episode two, which features a lot more of Nara.
It's really exciting to finally be writing music for a web series! Jason has submitted the two published episodes of Apotheosis to Indianapolis GenCon, where they will have their first live audience. I hope they have a nice speaker system.
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