Thursday, June 17, 2010

How the heck do you pronounce Feyrer?

After poor World of Higlet struggled to pronounce my obscure German-Austrian last name in this great interview with Mediocre Films' Greg Benson at approximately 4:10 ---

I decided it was time to go ahead and make a video explaining exactly just how to pronounce Feyrer! Enjoy.

If you still can't say the name after viewing the video, feel free to call me Chris....Jackson. :)

1 comment:

worldofhiglet said...

How come my last comment didn't show up? Grr Blogger (happened on KOTG, too).

ANYWAY! - thanks for putting me straight, Chris! Greg was no help and the way I used to say your name was like Dr. Hfuhruhurr from the Man with Two Brains :)